The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook

The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes


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This book is based on a blog run by Revd Miranda Threlfall-Holmes and her teenage son, Noah, Miranda and Noah developed the blog and book as they could find nothing on the market to introduce teenagers to different ways of praying.

Each chapter of the book introduces a prayer practice, eg using labyrinths, Lego Bible modelling, prayer beads, prayer walking. It also includes comments by teenagers who have tried it out and space for the young person to record their own thoughts.


Miranda Threlfall-Holmes:
The Revd Miranda Threlfall-Holmes is Chaplain and Solway Fellow of University College, Durham. She has first class degrees in history from Cambridge, and theology from Durham, and her doctoral thesis about Durham Cathedral Priory was published by OUP. She was a curate in Newcastle before her present post, and has been involved in ordination and lay theological training in Durham and Newcastle Dioceses for several years.

